our methods

We rely on three main methods to improve patient health.


After a thorough and detailed consultation we assess the movement of the body and analyse how the muscles and joints are functioning. By examining the whole body and not just the problem area we are able to not only accurately diagnose the problem but also identify the factors that cause and maintain it. In doing so we are able to help you overcome them so the problem doesn’t return.


Working alongside our osteopathic practice we tailor specific strength and stretching programs to you with massage sessions to help you recover. Each program is unique to you. Without using generic “cookie cutter” templates we can create periodisation in your training programs that will allow your training to change as your body adapts and grows stronger. The end result is a body more robust than before your initial injury.


Working alongside our osteopathic practice we tailor specific strength and stretching programs to you with massage sessions to help you recover. Each program is unique to you. Without using generic “cookie cutter” templates we can create periodisation in your training programs that will allow your training to change as your body adapts and grows stronger. The end result is a body more robust than before your initial injury.


Advances in science and research are fast and plentiful. We stay ahead of the competition by filtering out the fads and what isn’t useful or science based leaving only the most viable scientific techniques for treating pain and improving quality of life.

In the spotlight at the moment is the Wim Hof Method (WHM) a seemingly amazing method to reduce pain and manage autoimmune conditions via regulating inflammation within the body. This method comes with a lot of scientific research and backing, to find out more check out the articles on the news section of this site or come in for an appointment.